What is IontoPatch™?

IontoPatch™ is an iontophoresis device that uses a low-level electric field to propel medication across the skin into underlying tissue. It is painless, non-invasive, and a safe alternative to syringe-and-needle injections. IontoPatch™ contains a thin battery that is specially tuned to deliver medication slowly over a period of several hours.

What if I feel pain or discomfort while wearing IontoPatch™?

IontoPatch™ uses a very low level of electric current to deliver medication through the skin. There is typically no feeling or sensation when IontoPatch™ is applied and functioning properly. On occasion, patients report a “tugging” or “slight tingly” feeling during drug delivery. If for some reason you feel any unusual discomfort or pain, simply remove the patch with soapy water, clean the area well, and notify your health care provider accordingly.

Can I exercise with IontoPatch™ on?

Yes. IontoPatch™ is extremely flexible and adheres well to the skin under normal daily activities. The patch is designed to withstand vigorous motion and weight-bearing exercises. If you are very active or the patch begins to come loose, IontoPatch™ can be wrapped, taped over, or used with bracing.

Can I shower or bathe with IontoPatch™ on?

If you need to shower while wearing the patch, avoid putting the patch under the water stream as much as possible. If the patch does get wet, gently pat it dry with a soft towel. Do not immerse the patch in bathwater, as the soapy water will loosen the adhesive.

When do I take IontoPatch™ off?

Delivery time is dependent upon individual patient skin resistance. For the average patient, IontoPatch™ dosage delivery will be completed in the following timeframes:

IontoPatch™ 80

  • 14 hours
  • Delivery substantially reduces after 24 hours

IontoPatch™ STAT

  • 4 hours
  • Delivery substantially reduces after 6 hours

IontoPatch™ Extra Strength

  • 8 hours
  • Delivery substantially reduces after 8 hours
Can I throw IontoPatch™ away?

Yes. After removing the patch, fold in half to seal the two pads and dispose of in a normal manner.

Is IontoPatch™ safe?

Yes. IontoPatch™ eliminates the anxiety often associated with painful injection treatments. Since IontoPatch ™ is non-invasive, it nearly eliminates the pain and potential trauma or infection that can occur with injection therapy.

The electrical current used to deliver medication with IontoPatch™ is the lowest in the industry and specifically designed to reduce the risk of skin irritation. It is this low current / long duration that allows a slow sustained administration of medication with a very low incidence of site application side effects.

How do I remove an IontoPatch™?

It is best to remove an IontoPatch™ after getting it wet. While it is common for patients to remove their IontoPatch™ in the shower or bath, the most important thing to remember is to use some soap and some water to loosen the adhesive before removal.

Is it normal to experience redness or irritation after removing?

Some slight skin redness under where the patch was worn is normal and is usually gone after a short period of time. IontoPatch™ is designed to be hypo-allergenic however adhesive tapes may occasionally irritate the skin resulting in slight changes in skin color that will return to normal over time.

On occasion, patients may experience a localized reaction to the medication applied to the treatment area. If you notice an abnormal reaction under the treatment area or you feel any unusual discomfort or pain, simply remove the patch with soapy water, clean the area well, and notify your health care provider accordingly.

To minimize the chance of skin irritation, remember to remove the patch gently using soap and water in the shower or bath. Once dry, apply lotion to the treatment area.

Is IontoPatch™ allergy free?

IontoPatch is manufactured with latex free components and is hypoallergenic.

On occasion, patients may have skin irritation from the adhesive or medication that is applied to the skin.

If you notice irritation, please consult with your health care provider on how to proceed with your treatment.

Is IontoPatch™ reimbursable?

IontoPatch may be submitted for reimbursement using CPT code 97033.

Please check with your payor for proper documentation needed for reimbursement consideration.

Technical Insert

Click here to be taken to our Technical Insert. The technical insert provides technical overview of the IontoPatch and is included in every carton.